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Publications on Language Analysis

Language analysis as a method to determine national origin in asylum cases
by A. de Graaf and C. van den Hazelkamp.
Published in Toegepaste Taalwetenschapin Artikelen [Applied Linguistics in Articles] 76, Year 2006, issue 2.
You can download the article here. (.doc)



Guidelines for the Use of Language Analysis in Relation to Questions of National Origin in Refugee Cases, Language and national origin group (2004).
The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law Volume 11:2, 261-266.
The Guidelines can be downloaded here. (.pdf)


Linguistic Human Rights: A Sociolinguistic Introduction
Prof. Peter L. Patrick (University of Essex)

Interpreter in the language analysis interview: translation machine or second interviewer? (.doc) Bronsdijk, M.M. (2006), University of Utrecht, MA thesis

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